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Mental health alert! Time to schedule your psychotherapy appointment.

Alerting signs of mental health issues: overwhelm, apathy, sleep/appetite changes, social avoidance, difficulty connecting, and a need for self-care.
Written by
Jackelyn De Alwis
Published on
October 1, 2022
In today's fast-paced world, it's common to experience overwhelming stress that impacts our physical and mental health. When the weight of tasks and responsibilities becomes too burdensome, it's crucial to find healthy coping mechanisms. This article explores the effects of overwhelm, loss of interest, sleep and eating disruptions, social isolation, and the importance of giving our minds the necessary care and attention they deserve. Discover how therapy can provide guidance, support, and tools to navigate these challenges, fostering resilience and enhancing mental well-being for a more meaningful and balanced life.

When you’re easily overwhelmed

We've all experienced the stress of being overburdened with too many tasks at school or work. The overarching long-term stress may negatively impact both your physical and mental health, so finding ways to cope with the stress it’s critical.

Often, you are likely to experience fatigue, demotivation, easily loss of concentration, and or could no longer attain pleasure in activities that you do. You may believe that it is a normal process of stress, but it can lead to issues in the long run too. Which such that the overwhelmed stress accelerated cognitive decline.

Therapy can help you address many different causes of stress and when you’re engulfed with the feeling of being overwhelmed by anxiety, trauma, and relationship issues.

Source: Nik/Unsplash

When you find yourself don’t care about anything but death

According to the National Institute of Mental Health, people who are suffering from clinical depression frequently lose interest or pleasure in hobbies and activities. Losing interest in the things you enjoy can make it difficult to find stress relief or maintain some relationships.

Sometimes you may find life meaningless and unworthy of living, and death may be the only way to alleviate the condition or situation, which could be due to a sense of hopelessness. Worries that you have no future, that you will never be happy, or that you simply don't care what happens.

Various studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of psychotherapy in assisting people to redefine and search for meaning in their lives.

When you are not sleeping or eating well

Healthy eating and sleeping pattern go hand in hand with mental health, which is an individual basic needs.  If you have trouble sleeping, sleep too much, don't eat much, or eat too much to numb your feelings, then it may be an alarming alarm to your health.

A person's mental health is more likely to deteriorate when their sleeping and eating habits are jeopardized. Stress, anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and numerous other conditions can all contribute to sleep disturbances and eating problem that are worth exploring in therapy.

If your mental health condition is affecting your sleep and appetite, therapy may help you better manage your symptoms. There are methods that can assist with managing the consequences of insufficient sleep as well as enhancing your sleep hygiene, raising your awareness of your eating habits, equipping you with skills to sleep better in general, and so on.

Source:Aziz Acharki/Unsplash

When you avoid social situations and have trouble maintaining connections with others

Friendships, intimate, family relationships are not easy to maintain. There are many reasons that depreciate the quality of the relationship, and it relatively affects your mental health when you find yourself isolate or estrange yourself from your friends, family, or partner.

Consequences of social isolation might include negative effects on mental health, such as increased stress and a lack of quality sleep. Socially isolated people are more prone to engage in unhealthy behaviours, such as not getting enough exercise or good quality food, and experiencing mental health issues (such as depression or chronic pain)

If emotional or psychological difficulties are preventing you from developing meaningful relationships, therapy may be able to help. If you suffer from social anxiety, some approaches in psychotherapy can help you overcome it.

When your mind needs a refresher

Our mind is like the electronical devices that often requires maintenance, such as charging mobile phone when it’s out of battery, sending vehicles to service center for servicing, and fixing a watch when it’s not running.

Psychotherapy provides techniques, tools, and method to help you better cope with life and situation that enable the growth and equipment of skills. Not only allowing you to effectively tackle the current problem but may also enabling you to learn ways to manage future problem that may arise.


1. National Institute of Mental Health. (2022, July). Health Topics: Depression.

2. Méndez-Bustos, P., Calati, R., Rubio-Ramírez, F., Olié, E., Courtet, P., &Lopez-Castroman, J. (2019). Effectiveness of Psychotherapy on Suicidal Risk: A Systematic Review of Observational Studies. Frontiers in Psychology,

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